zaterdag 20 juli 2013

sketchbook post

What I have been drawing lately... Most are some random doodles or people in trains. XD I even was like doing sci-fi again in the last page.

zondag 7 juli 2013

Star Trek movie stills studies

These are five movie still studies from the movie Star Trek: the future begins. It has been a while since I watched this movie, but after watched the more recent movie I felt like doing studies from a Star Trek movie, so I did. ;>

vrijdag 5 juli 2013

sketchbook again

inspired by beibadgirl I think..?

Just posting some sketches on my day off. Well, not really my day off, I still did some client work hah
These were done at school mostly. Some notes are written by a classmate xD I guess you can see it in the handwriting.

maandag 1 juli 2013


+ random notes in the train