Time to add a new sketchbook spread... Lots of animals on this one. School starts tomorrow, not looking forward to taking very early trains to be there on time *sigh*
Doodled at work: a girl with a Chinese latern. Oh yes my demo worked today. Now I am tired... Yet I am colouring since I finally can colour something now. D= yawn. *listening to Binary Finary remixes*
Some sketchbook spread. On this spread: random female characters. Attempts at little Digimon (Nyarumon, Motimon, Poyomon), a hipster andddd a bat. Oh and one of my characters I used for a Pokemon Tournament, Jurgen. Gah I am tired. Tomorrow glorious Monday oh noes
tried to draw a Gundam again. I do not like this drawing very much, I already see a lot of mistakes :( Anyway, it is good for practice. I thought this was the Gundam Wing Zero but after looking it up, it's not I guess. I have no idea what type this was. Last time I watched Gundam Wing was years ago... ^^;