vrijdag 31 oktober 2014

sketchbook 182

I wish my computer was not acting weird today.

donderdag 30 oktober 2014


Illustration for a contest, the theme was "purgatory".

dinsdag 28 oktober 2014

sketchbook 181

Can you spot the self-portrait?

maandag 27 oktober 2014

cutouts and crochet

For school I have been trying to make images with cut-outs. It is funny how you can create different images with just one drawing. It is also funny to bring your 2D drawing into the 3D world.
I might use that first one for my deviantART page.

Here she is in the train, looking at graffiti.

I also made a sleeping cut-out. I was thinking of making cut-outs for objects too. Maybe so that I can fill a whole illustration with it.

Other than that, I have been crocheting. I accidentely made this yarn look like a bow xD

This is what I am crocheting, it should become a vest.

vrijdag 24 oktober 2014

ballpoint sketches

First I was going to post these tomorrow but then I thought, let's post them today. Tomorrow I will probably forget to post them.

vampire diva

A quickie for a little contest. I tried to emulate the style of Monster High. I think the merchandise of Monster High is really cute. I wish this existed when I was younger xD
Or maybe I should just start follow it anyway even though I am probably too old for it.

donderdag 23 oktober 2014

Dracobug dancing

This was a commission for a client I did a while ago.

Okay it has been 16:00 already and I still have not done much besides shopping groceries and watching Naruto Shippuden. It is time to get some drawing done again.

woensdag 22 oktober 2014

work doodles

I am sad all the office notepads have lines on them.

zondag 19 oktober 2014


This spirit character is entering the stage.

vrijdag 17 oktober 2014

today's studies

On Tumblr I saw a really cool picture of someone's hair so I drew that. But I only drew the hair because the rest was not very visible.

Today I also bought this squash, I think it is really cool. I decided to draw it as a study too, it has many different textures I think.
That was it for now. Job hunting still makes unproductive. I got a contract from one company today, but it has some weird regulations in it.


Here is a digital painting of an angry Magnemite. I think it is a pretty cool Pokemon even though it's small and simple.

woensdag 15 oktober 2014

dinsdag 14 oktober 2014

photo update

I got some new yarn to start something new with crocheting. You see the first chain in the top picture.

And I tried something with cutouts, but this self-portrait came out a bit weird. It's so cheerful in a way.

and I finished this big ballpoint/ink drawing, it is A2 actually. It is an enlarged movie still, but I have not seen the movie and I cannot remember it. The actress is from a Dutch show called "Wie is de Mol?", that's the only thing I know.

donderdag 9 oktober 2014


These are the first pages of my new smaller size sketchbook. The first pages always start more fancy than the others. I even made something of the background here.
And yeah I love black and white tiles as background.

That guy in the down left is supposed to be Phoenix Wright.

dinsdag 7 oktober 2014

sketchbook 179

Studies and random blobs. And some Dutch musing here about tv shows.

Zojuist een stukje van de documentaire over de eerste Idols-winnaars gekeken. Dat was apart, je hoort het nu van een hele andere kant. Ik kan me nog herinneren toen het op tv kwam. Toen was dat heel spannend, zo'n talentenshow. Jamai en Dewi vond ik destijds het leukst. Nooit geweten dat Hind daarna een zware tijd te verduren kreeg. Dat laten ze je natuurlijk niet zien in zo'n talentenjacht.


This drawing was inspired by this tanktop. I think it is really cool. They have other clothing with that pattern too. I should get one maybe. xD

Edit: woah I am not sure what happened to the quality, but this artwork looks way better at my DeviantART!

maandag 6 oktober 2014


Saturday we made abstractions of a photo for school. Here you see my result. I also had to make a 3D work out of it. I did that, but I could not take a photo since I forgot my camera.

zondag 5 oktober 2014

summary of this week

This week I continued learning how to crochet. It is quite different than knitting I think.

Working on drawings of course, and usually with ballpoint pens.

The company I work for gave out these chocolates. They were very beautiful, they looked like diamonds instead of chocolate.

Here you see the drawing I finished, On to the next one! That was it for now, I should probably turn off the computer now. I have been staring at this screen for too long. xD

vrijdag 3 oktober 2014

raven and candles

My computer froze again today, let's hope that problem won't return. Else I did this reinstall for nothing... *sigh*
Anyway, this is my latest digital painting. It started out as an attempt to draw Jade West from Victorious.

woensdag 1 oktober 2014

sketchbook 178

*yawn* I want to play video games now :V