zondag 30 november 2014


She is queen of sea snakes and other serpents. Her throne is a giant snake that guards her all the time. She has snakes instead of legs or a tail.

vrijdag 28 november 2014


Maybe I should have drawn that moon differently :s

donderdag 27 november 2014

ballpoint drawings

Just posting some snapshots of the drawing I am working on. It is based upon a movie screenshot of Napoleon Dynamite.

and I finished this drawing, I uploaded it to my DeviantART as well.

dinsdag 25 november 2014

maandag 24 november 2014

final museum post

Finally I sorted through all my pictures of the excursion, here are the final ones. The first three are still from the Verbeke Foundation. The other ones are from another museum we went to, SMAK in Gent.

A 3D orb in the garden of the Foundation.

Some kind of air instrument, it actually worked when the wind was blowing.

And the final picture of the Verbeke Foundation are these decorative mixed media pieces.
In SMAK there was an exhibition of an artist I forgot the name of. I did not like her work very much actually but some things were pretty interesting.

She had one huge artwork in a very big museum room. They looked like dead trees.

Here you see the other side of it. Biggest artwork I have seen so far I think.

some other artists had work there as well, such as these photos. These were pretty nice.

I was surprised to see some traditional painting here as well. That frame is really pretty. I also like the monochrome pallette the artist used.

Anyway, these were all the pictures of the excursion. I should be making some regular blog posts about drawing and such here soon. 0w0

zondag 23 november 2014

Verbeke foundation pt 9

Leaving the lab we found some more artworks.

I also could take a picture of the scenery, it really looks like a factory. That white bus was our tour bus.

Quite digged this style, almost like graffiti.

And there was a car door on a wall. Not sure why, I guess it was art?

And outside there was this little cabin. Seems kind of fun to live in something like that.

vrijdag 21 november 2014

Verbeke foundation pt 8

Entering the laboratory of the Verbeke Foundation now. These pictures are all taken from there.

donderdag 20 november 2014

Verbeke foundation pt 7

These installations were pretty cheerful in real life, they lighted up sometimes too.

Interesting quote, too bad they made it really obvious what sentence it is based upon.

And now we are entering the laboratory, full of dead animals and chemicals.

I hope these were just found dead and not killed. Anyway, it was a pretty uneasy place, some others skipped this part.

woensdag 19 november 2014

Verbeke foundation pt 6

Woah, this is part 6 already! I gotta hurry up going through all the pictures. These are just various works by different artists. That last one was pretty crazy, it was a hallway full of grave stones.

maandag 17 november 2014

Verbeke foundation pt 5

yeah just another photodump.
These collages are so cool :>

zondag 16 november 2014

Verbeke foundation pt 4

This post contains only drawings and collages of the Verbeke Foundation. I really like the black and white collages, they had so much detail.